SOD in R

Implementing the SOD algorithm as an extension to R makes it both easy to install and to use the R environment for suitable data pre-processing and for displaying the results. This is particularly useful when dealing with data derived from global gene expression studies where the starting dimensionality is extremely high and it is not feasible to remove all dimensions in a gradual manner.

This page contains basic instructions for both installing and running SOD within an R environment.

Installing SOD


What is needed to install SOD depends on whether you wish to compile the latest version from source or whether you want to install a precompiled version. This package has as of 2014-07-04 been published on CRAN (the Comprehensive R archive network) and can easily be installed from within R. The latest source code can be found at gitorious.

At the very minimum a working R installation is required. Download links and installation instructions are available from CRAN.

After starting R you should be able to simply type:


from within an R session, and everything should magically work. Let me know if it doesn't. On Linux the install.packages command usually compiles the binary from source whereas on Macs and Windows binary packages will usually be installed. To force a source compilation you can use the type:

install.packages("SOD", type="source")

Alternatively the source code can be downloaded from CRAN and installed from the command line :


where SOD is either the name of the directory of the expanded tarball, or the name of the tarball itself. Doing it this way allows you to inspect the complete source code.

Installing the latest source from gitorious

To install from source you need to have a full compilation tool chain set up on your computer. In the Linux world this is fairly normal, but more unusual on Macs or Windows machines. On Macs (i.e. OSX) you can install the X-code integrated development environment which used to contain everything you would need. However, with recent versions of OSX you need to seperately install the command line tools. What is needed to get those tools seems to change fairly rapidly, so you'll need to check with Apple. For Windows machines, the situation is rather more complex, and I don't know how that should be done. However all answers can be had from Google.

I keep the latest version of the source code at gitorious. Follow the 'Repositories', 'r-sod' link on the right hand side of the screen to find the latest version.

The source code tree can be downloaded either as an archive (also known as a tarball) using the download link (right hand side), or the full git repository can be cloned using git. To see the command required to clone the git repository click the question mark next to the address box at the top of the page. The command is likely to be:

git clone

Using git is convenient, as you get the full version history, and it makes it possible to update the source code with a single command. However, in order to clone from gitorious, it seems that you need to set up an account, so it may be simpler to download the tarball.

If you've downloaded the tarball, you'll get a file with a very long name called something like, 'r-sod-r-sod.......tar.gz'. Use the 'tar' program to decompress and unarchive the file.

tar zxvf r-sod-r-sod........tar.gz

This will create a directory called 'r-sod-r-sod' containing the full source code for both the R functions and documentation. If you've obtained the source by cloning the repository, you'll end up with a directory called 'r-sod' instead. Just substitute in the following commands. At this point installing the package should be a simple case of:

R CMD INSTALL r-sod-r-sod

However, as these are my development directories, it is probably safer to do the following (at least if you're on Linux or OSX, if you're using Windows none of this is likely to work):

cd r-sod-r-sod
cd ..
R CMD INSTALL r-sod-r-sod

This will make sure that you remove any files that R doesn't like to see in the installation, but which I keep around for future reference.

I've tried this on several Linux and Mac OSX systems, and it has also been done on a Windows machine without any problems. However, there's a good chance that something is different on your machine. If so and you run into problems, please let me know.

Running the package examples

Start an R session, and type:




The latter only loads the library if it hasn't already been loaded, whereas the former will reload it. Probably the latter is better.

To access the help menus, as usual do:

## and the links in the 'See Also'
## etc..

The package comes with a data set called 'f186'. This can be loaded using:


As described in help sections. To find out more about this data, simply do as usual ?f186. To run the example analysis simply do:

m <- as.matrix(f186[,7:12])
ds1 <- DimSqueezer$new(m)
sq1 <- ds1$squeeze(2, 1000)

The first of these commands data(f186) simply loads the f186 dataframe into the current environment.
m <- as.matrix(f186[,7:12]) creates a numerical matrix from colums 7:12 of the f186 dataframe.
Each row of m gives the coordinates of a point in N-dimensional space. In most experimental data, each row represents an object (a cell in the example data) and each column provides a numerical descriptor. Hence, each object (or point, or node) is described by N (the number of columns) values and this description can be thought of as a point in an N-dimensional phase space.

ds1 <- DimSqueezer$new(m) creates a new DimSqueezer object called ds1 using the data in matrix m and sq1 <- ds1$squeeze(2, 1000) calls the squeeze function on this object and assigns the result to sq1. The squeeze function gradually reduces the dimensionality of the phase space to the target dimensionality (2 in this case). This results in a decrease in the distances between objects, and the differences between distances in the squeezed and original phase spaces are used to calculate a force vector at each point. The objects are then moved using these force vectors in order to decrease the error (i.e. stress) in the set of object distances before the dimensionality is reduced further. This procedure is then repeated (iterated) for the specified number of iterations (1000 in this time) to produce an M (the target number, 2) dimensional representation of the data. (Well, that's a slight over-simplification, see further down for details.)

Plotting the results

The squeeze() function returns a named list. This is a type of R data structure that contains a number of elements that can be accessed either via a numerical index (i.e. it's an ordered list) or via names. The list returned by the squeeze() function contains 5 elements:

  1. stress: The sum of inter-node errors at each iteration
  2. mapDims: The effective dimensionality at each iteration
  3. pos: The final node positions after mapping
  4. time: Some timing information (empty for now)
  5. node_stress: The amount of error at each node
Each individual element of the list can be accessed by name or position. e.g. The stress element can be accessed by sq1[[1]], sq1$stress or sq1[['stress']]. (R lists are a little bit funny in that you need to to use the double subscript operator [[ ]] rather than the usual [ ] to access the elements of the list.)

Plotting the stress

The SOD package provides a small number of functions that can be used to visualise the result of the mapping process. To see how the stress (i.e. total error) changed during the process do:

This should produce something looking like:

Reduction of dimensions and stress evolution. The x-axis indicates the iteration number. The background polygons show the decrease in dimensionality during the mapping process. Each colour indicates a single dimension. At the start (left), all dimensions are complete, but as the squeezing proceeds the effect of dimensions 4-6 on distances is reduced in parallel. By iteration 750, only dimensions 1 and 2 remain. As the dimensions are reduced the error in the system grows (black points).
Note that although we specified 1000 iterations when calling ds1$squeeze(2, 1000) the x-axis extends to about 1750 iterations. This is because the squeezing algorithm keeps iterating until no further decrease in error is observed (i.e. a local minima is reached) or the total number of iterations exceeds 3 times the specified number. This behaviour can be changed by calling ds1$residual(FALSE).

Plotting points

The package provides two functions for plotting the points after the mapping procedure.

Both functions take a list as returned by the various squeeze() functions and a number of optional arguments that modify how the plot looks. Both are fairly simple convenience functions that serve more as examples of how the data can be displayed than as definitive methods. To see the code that implements the functions, just type the name of the function without the brackets or arguments:

> plt.points
function (sq, col = hsv.scale(sq$node_stress), x = 1, y = 2, 
    invert.y = FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, ...) 
    xv = sq$pos[, x]
    yv = sq$pos[, y]
    if (invert.y) 
        yv = -yv
    plot(xv, yv, col = col, bg = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 

From the function definition we can see that plt.points() simply plots a scatterplot of the first two columns of the pos element of the sq list (when we call the function using plt.points(sq1) the sq1 object will be copied and referred to as sq witin the function). The colours of the points (given by the col argument) defaults to hsv.scale(sq$node_stress). That is to say that the colour of each point is determined by the values in the node_stress element.
The hsv.scale() function takes a vector (i.e. a list, but in R, list has a special meaning) of numbers and returns a vector of colours representing the respective values of the input vector (with low to high values represented by a blue-cyan-green-yellow-red-purple range of colours). Hence:

results in:

Points represented in 2 dimensions. Axis are arbitrary as the resulting representation is not really cartesian. The colour of each point indicates the amount of error or stress at the point (i.e. the sum of the differences between distances between it and other points in the original N-dimensional space and the final 2-dimensional space). Blue indicates low error, purple maximal errors with intermediate errors represented by cyan-green-yellow-red.

The default plot isn't particularly interesting, though it does give some information as to which points have found appropriate positions, and which points do not fit with the overall pattern. To visualise the patterns within the points we can use different colouring schemes where the colours can represent anything we like. To begin with it makes sense to see how the position in the 2 dimensional field relates to the initial N-dimensional values (i.e. those in f186[,7:12]). Note that the data in the columns of f186 can also be accessed through their names and that this was done for the following plots.

plt.points(sq1, pch=19, 
plt.points(sq1, pch=19, 
plt.points(sq1, pch=19, 
plt.points(sq1, pch=19, 

In the above plots I have changed the col and the pch arguments from the defaults. The col argument is set such that the colour indicates values in the different columns of f186, whereas the pch argument has been changed from the default 1 (open circles) to 19 (filled circles). From this we can see that the levels of Etv2 have the biggest influence on the position of points, and that the variation in Fli1 and Flk1 levels is orthogonal to that of Etv2. Furthermore, we can see, as we would expect that Pdgfra is expressed in a relatively small population of cells that do not express Etv2.

The package also provides the plt.concentric function. This allows you to visualise how an arbitrary number of variables relate to position in the plot (how many really depends on the nature of the data and how good your colour-vision is).

plt.concentric(sq1, f186[,7:12], 
               leg.pos='topleft', cex.max=5)

Each point is represented by a series of concentric discs where the areas of the non-overlapping parts (i.e. the visible parts) are proportional to the values in the columns specified by the second argument of the plot function. See the online documentation for more details.

Specifying the dimension factors

Since it's not clear if there is an optimal strategy for removing dimensions during the mapping process the package also provides a function (squeezeDF) that takes as an argument a matrix of dimension factors. Each row of the dimension factors table represents the dimensionality at the ith iteration with the columns representing each dimension. Values should be between 0-1, with 1 representing a full dimension, and 0 a completely eliminated one. These matrices may be specified in any way, but three functions are provided.

Each function takes as its arguments the starting dimensionality, the total iteration number and a set of optional parameters (see documentation). Unless otherwise specified the methods assume a target dimensionality of two. As a picture speaks a thousand words, perhaps the following code and plots will suffice to explain.

df1 <- parallel.dim.factors(6, 1000)
df2 <- parallel.exp.dim.factors(6, 1000)
df3 <- serial.dim.factors(6, 1000)

## ds1 was created in code further up on the page
sq1 <- ds1$squeezeDF(df1)
sq2 <- ds1$squeezeDF(df2)
sq3 <- ds1$squeezeDF(df3)


All methods give fairly similar arrangements and errors when the iteration numbers are reasonably high, and it's unclear as to what the preferred method should be. The parallel reduction is the default as it its results should be less influenced by the order of the columns. However the serial method gives a nice indication of the number of dimensions needed to fully represent the data.

In the above example, the original data describes a reasonably large number of points in a small number of dimensions (6). For such data it is feasible to start the squeezing process with the points in their original positions and to gradually remove the dimensions. However, when the starting dimensionality is very high, as for microarray or RNA-seq data (one dimension per gene, i.e. ~22000) this is clearly not going to be a reasonable strategy to follow. For such data it is possible to simply specify a reasonably small starting dimensionality and use the squeezeDF() function. That will give rise to very high errors in the early iterations, but the method usually gives something reasonable. However, a much better way to achieve the result is to first perform a principal components analysis (PCA), and then to perform the SOD transformation on the PCA transformed points (see below). In fact, this is probably the most correct way to perform the analysis and using R makes it extremely simple.

openCL acceleration

The SOD method is computationally intensive, and doesn't really scale that well as large numbers of iterations where distances of all against all points have to be calculated need to be performed. That is to say that the execution time scales to the square of the number of points. However, for technical reasons, the number of iterations required is also related to the number of points and, hence the complexity of the method scales to the cube of the number of points. That's not particularly good, and hence I was surprised to find that the method works both rather faster and better than other comparable MDS algorithms. Nevertheless, anything that makes it go faster is good.

The methods available through objects of the DimSqueezer class make use of parallel processing on multiple cores or processors using openMP. This works very well where it is supported, but unfortunately, recent versions of Mac OSX do not support openMP (technically it is the default compiler, clang, that doesn't support openMP) and this can have quite a major effect depending on the processor present. In order to provide higher performance I also implemented methods that can make use of general purpose graphical processing units (GP-GPU) through the use of openCL. This can provide drastic increases in processing speed, though whether or not it does will depend on how well the problem fits the specific GPU present. The openCL functions can be accessed through the DimSqueezer_CL class.

The DimSqueezer_CL class is constructed in the same way as the DimSqueezer class by giving it a matrix of positions. It's functionality is currently limited to one function, squeeze() that requires one additional argument that determines the local work group size. The meaning of this argument is not that clear, but it is related to how parallelised the work load ends up being.
To use simply:

## where m is a matrix of positions described above
ds2 <- DimSqueezer_CL$new(m)
## this prints out a load of information describing your
## graphics card if you have one.
sq2 <- ds2$squeeze(2, 1000, 64)

## where the extra parameter, 64 is the local work group size

openCL is not necessarily available on all computers as both appropriate hardware and an appropriate development environment are required. Hence, it is by default not present on Windows installations, and I can not control whether or not it is made available on other pre-compiled installations. If you're interested in it, then you will probably need to compile code yourself.

Rather more worrying I've found that the openCL code can freeze the display on some Macs when specifying a local work group size larger than the recommended multiple work group size. I don't know why that should be the case, but in any case these functions should be used with care.

PCA pre-processing

When the starting data represents points in very high dimensional space as in the case of high-throughput gene expression data (usually ~20,000 dimensions) it is not feasible to gradually remove all of these dimensions. However, this problem can simply be overcome by first performing a principal components analysis (PCA) of the data. The PCA can be thought of as a simple rotation of the data that maximises the amount of information present in the lower dimensions. In the PCA the original set of data is multiplied by a rotation matrix that results in a set of points with a reduced dimensionality when the number of dimensions is larger than the number of objects described. If for example we have M samples described in N dimensions and M is smaller than N, then the result of the matrix multiplication will be a set of M points described in M dimensions. Since the transformation is a rigid rotation the inter-node distances are identical to those in the original data and the transformed positions can be used in the SOD analysis.

In an R environment it is trivial to combine the analyses using the prcomp() function. For example, given a set of gene expression data gxd that we want to analyse, typically we would do:

pc <- prcomp( t(gxd) )
## t(gxd) swaps the rows and columns of the original data
## this is usually required for gene expression data as it
## tends to have genes in rows and samples in columns. As we
## want to (usually) compare the samples we need to first
## transform the data.

ds1 <- DimSqueezer$new(pc$x)
## the prcomp function returns a named list
## with the transformed points in $x.
## In this case each row of $x represents a single sample

sq1 <- ds1$squeeze(2, 1000)

## or alternatively we may want to specify the dimfactors
df1 <- parallel.dim.factors(12, 1000)
sq1 <- ds1$squeezeDF(df1)

This works very well, and it is arguable that the SOD analysis should always be preceded by a PCA. (Both for performance and correctness, but in practice it probably doesn't make that much of a difference most of the time.)

This page still under construction. Updates may occur.